Cando Consulting

We’re Cando Consulting,
your go-to app accelerator.

Get the most out of your app!

What We Do

Our Services

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App Development

Web or mobile, we’ve got you covered. We specialize in cross-platform apps built with Flutter, React Native or Ionic.

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App Optimization

Is your app running slow? Do you get bad reviews? We can help you optimize your app for performance and user experience.

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Scrum & Agile Coaching

Need help with Scrum or Agile? We can help you optimize your processes and get the most out of your team.

Cross-Platform Apps

Cross-platform apps are the future. We specialize in Flutter and React Native to help you get your app to market faster and cheaper, and reach multiple platforms with a single codebase.

We’re International

Based in the Netherlands, we work with clients from all over the world. We’ve helped clients from the US, UK, Germany, and more. We speak English, Dutch, and Russian.

Tech We Love

We focus on technologies that help us to get your app to market as quickly as possible. Being highly specialized allows us to deliver the most value to our clients.

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React Native

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React Native Firebase

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Our Process

Pay as You Go

Build what matters and stop anytime. At the end of each sprint, you can evaluate the progress and decide whether to continue or stop. This helps you stay in control of your budget.

Knowledge Transfer

We believe in sharing knowledge. We’ll teach your team how to maintain and improve the app after we’re done to ensure that you can continue to build on our work.

Our Values

Our values guide everything we do. We strongly believe in:

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Keeping our clients informed and involved throughout the process to ensure optimal results.

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Focusing on the right things to minimize waste and build products that make a difference.

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Being transparent and making sure that our clients are always in the loop to build trust and confidence.

Contact Us

Ready to take your app to the next level? Contact us today!